WELCOME TO: Buglers4Christ.com

About the Author Jerry O. Roberg

Hello, I’m JERRY O. ROBERG, My friends call me HOTROD JERRY! Like many  Christians, I had no reason to question what I was being taught growing-up as a chid in Church!  Like the rest of rhe congregation, I wanted to believe what my pastor was teaching me was the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH. Little did I know, I was being sold a bill of goods, and that this Rapture idea was nothing but a fairy-tail… a lie from that Satan planted in Gods Chruch! I’m sorry if that up-sets you as I’m sure it will upstet many Christians who visit this website. These rapture idesas have caused unlearned Christians to drop their guard! Without learning God’s TRUTH non of us can be fully dressed (in the whole armor of God). Lies, leave us defenseless, if we believe them, and Jesus warned His Church this would happen in: Luke 21: 35-For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

After attending Bible school for three years, and 20 some odd years of in-depth study in my Fathers words, I’ve discover a lot of things I’ve been taught simply are not true!  I’ve learned to study on my own and I use the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, and I’ve earned to disregard the traditions of men!  Man’s traditions, had taken me so far off course (of God’s intended destination) I found I was living in deception!  Here’s how I got back on course by: using a King James Bible in conjunction with a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance! This was key for me getting on track whereby, finding key facts that lead me out of deception and back into the light of God’s truth. Satan would love nothing better than to keep you and me living in the shadows! He does this by put-up smoke-screen feeding us half-truths, fables, & fairy-tales! Satan has deceived millions of unsuspecting Christians! 

As time went on in my studies, I began investigating the Parables that Jesus taught His disciples and I studied them (in-depth) and once learned certain facts began to surface! This happened once we start looking-up the true meaning of (key Greek and Hebrew words) used in those original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.


I took Jesus literally, and I began digging DEEP into our Father’s words, to learn more about (end-time) prophecy! The deeper I dug the more I learned about: THE PARABLES THAT JESUS TAUGHT… ESPECIALLY: ‘THE PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE’ and the parables the seed the sower, and the parable. of the TARES!

God’s reality, is all about His overall plan and timeline! Once I earned the deeper meanings within the parables of the sower, the seed, the wheat, the tares, and the harvest they provided me with a better understanding of (The Key of David) as well… the beginning before Genesis 1:1, and the true meaning of the word (Foundation) mentioned ten times in the New Testament.

After gathering all the facts in 2007, I decided to write a book entitled: ‘THE PARABLE IF THE FIG TREE’. I am working diligenty to complete two other books ‘NO FAIRY-TALES IN HEAEN’ and a book entitled: ‘SATAN’S LITTLE HELPERS… X-POSED!

Consider telling your Christian friends about this website so they too can learn the deeper meaning of these parables the way that Jesus taught them to his disciples! For the past 40 years, I’ve searched the Scriptures daily, and I’ve found the answers to three of the most important questions… people want answering:

  1. Where did we come from?
  2. Why are we hear?
  3. What happens to us once we die?
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Welcome to our Buglers4Christ.com website

I started this webpage in 2011 as a way to share the false teaching of the rapture. Way too many Christians believe the rapture is a part Biblical teaching. Well in fact the word rapture is no where to be found in the Bible! It’s the result of Wishful Thinkers twisting the words of God into something God never said… in fact never thought of. Sadly, the evangelical community needs help… to see and hear the truth clearly. There is a huge war going on behind the scenes. Lots of evil interests are fighting for our souls. Satan wants to blind you from seeing God’s true Word… so you’ll end up following Satan the antichrist. I want to make sure that you’re worshipping Jesus Christ, not the (instead of christ) who is the Antichrist. The devil is the great deceiver, and he’s pulling a huge trick on God’s Church with this rapture notion. I will continue to lash or at lies being proposed in God Church that are deceiving millions of Christians.

Please take a look around at our site we have books for sale to help you reach the final destination you are hoping to find. This website is online 24/7 and is available world-wide. Please share this page with your friends and family making them aware of end-time lies that are bing propagated and preached in God’s end-time Church. You can also get in touch with me if you have a specific questions.

To do so, you can email me at jerryroberg@gmail.com to ask me anything at all about this fake rapture lie.

Are you looking for the truth about the rapture?

Have you long suspected that the rapture is a false teaching? Then you’ve come to the right place. The rapture is a lie that’s been twisted by the modern church. I back up all the claims that I make with true Scripture quotes. The rapture came about through false teachings from Satanists. The trick of the rapture is that you will end up worshipping the Antichrist instead of the true Christ. There is no true mention of the rapture in the Bible. Let’s help share this truth worldwide so that we can save as many souls as possible. Satan is the great deceiver, and we must expose his lie. I’ve got many books here that are all available for free. Please educate yourself on the false teaching of the rapture and share the truth with your friends!

My services here include:

Information on the false teaching of the rapture
Numerous books available for free on the subject
Videos and other resources
Much more
Please share this page with as many people as you possibly can! Let’s get rid of the false teaching of the rapture so that we can take the power away from the devil. To get in touch with me to ask questions, you can either email me at jerryroberg@gmail.com!






C. GOD WANTS CHRISTIANS TO BE ABLE TO SOUND A CLEAR ALARM: “Blow you the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in the holy mountain: to let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand:” (Joel 2: 1).

Many of you we’re (hand-picked) by God, and you don’t even know it! You were chosen before the FOUNDATION of this world, or earth age… to be on planet earth at this prescribed time! You’re here at your appointed time, and you have a (DESTINY) A JOB TO PREFORM FOR JESUS CHRIST! You are here to warn (PEOPLE) especially God’s people… His Church, that Satan has set a trap for them… and it’s called the RAPTURE!

Ephesisans 1:4-just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.
Romans 8: 29-For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
Jeremiah 1: 5- “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
CHRISTIANS, these three pre-mid-&-post-rapture teachings are confusing God Church, and we need to get God’s answers to these end-time lies that are being preached today. Here is one of God’s warnings: “For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle”?



We share what’s going to happen during (Jacob’s Trouble) prior to: ‘The Day Of The LORD,’ as to what is written in the original Hebrew & Greek manuscripts, and the (end-depth) meaning of the ‘Fig Tree Generation’! Buglers4christ, Study to show themselves approved unto God, His workman, that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of His truth (2 Timothy 2:15).


We’re sounding the end-time TRUMPET for God, mentioned in the book of Joel as well the book of Revelation. God wants to awaken His Church, to warn them that Satan has set a snare to (in-trap) unlearned Christians, who have not been taught (end-time) prophesy correctly. We’re sounding the ALARM, letting God’s people know that Satan (shows-up first) at the sounding of the sixth trumpet of God, before our Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth on the seventh trumpet of God! “Blow you the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in the holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand:” (Joel 2: 1).


We’re warning God’s Church, that millions of Christians have already received the mark of the beast (666) and they don’t even know it). Why? Because their relying on false promises: ‘THE TRADITIONS OF MEN’… and they’ve bought into Satan’s rapture lie… thinking their going to be air-lifted off of planet earth, & fly-away one day. Sadly, this lie has (IN-SNARED) millions of unsuspecting Christian souls. “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21: 35). Jesus said: “And you shall know the (TRUTH) and the (TRUTH) shall make you free (John 8: 32). FREE FROM SATAN AND HIS LITTLE HELPERS LIES! AGAIN, please read what Paul wrote in: 1 Corinthians 14: 8- For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle? ​Are you prepared to do battle with Satan and his angles?



“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21: 35). What about what JESUS says in: Revelation 12:9-And the great dragon was cast out — that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out onto the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. AND… What about what Jesus said in: Matthew 24:22-And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:- but for the (elect’s sake) those days shall be shortened.

Why would God warn His Church about this snare, as well:
Jacobs Trouble if Jesus didn’t think it was important?

With God… it’s all about testing, because, God wants to find out if we’re going to follow HIM… or if we will (end up) worshiping and following Satan! “Then My anger shall be aroused against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide My face from them, and they shall be devoured. And many evils and troubles (JACOB TROUBLE) shall befall them, so that they will say in that day, ‘Have not these evils come upon us because our God is not among us?’ “And I will surely hide My face in that day because of all the evil which they have done, in that they have turned to other gods” (Deuteronomy 31:16-18). Hopping into bed (so to speak) with Satan is an unforgivable sin!

Most Christians haven’t a clue as to what (666) literally means, or how it’s connected with: ‘THE KEY OF DAVID’ as well the deeper meaning of ‘JACOBS TROUBLE’ … also, the deeper message within: ‘THE PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE.’ THIS KEY OF DAVID unlocks the mystery of who’s operating within the synagogue of Satan. We will teach you that Satan has his Little Helpers…as we refer to as: “SATAN”s SECRET SOCIETY,” and what takes place at the sounding of the sixth trump, and what (666) literally means, but more important… who shows-up at the sounding of that sixth Trumpet of God!

Jesus said: there should no flesh be saved: but for the (elect’s sake)… those days shall be shortened. Gods elect, are those Christians mentioned in the book of Revelation who have the Truth sealed inside their foreheads, Revelation. 7:3-saying, “Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees until we shall have sealed the servants of our God (on) … (ON) SHOULD HAVE BEEN TRANSLATED: (IN) their foreheads.”

Jesus also said: “And you shall know the (TRUTH) and the (TRUTH) shall make you free (John 8: 32). The question is… have you had the Truth sealed inside your forehead (MEANING YOUR BRAIN) , or has some super-preacher filled your head with fairy-tails? Jesus said: the Truth would set us free… YES, free from listening to, or believing these ‘FLY-AWAY’ fairy-tail stories!

Free from this trap that Satan has set to entangle God’s (end-time) Church! You may be thinking… how could this be, my Pastor told me: “ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED.” Okey, but who does the SAVING? JESUS CHRIST DOE’S THE SAVING! Just because someone told you that, doesn’t make it so! Jesus told Church goer’s… (saved Christians) meaning people who attend Church, and sing in the choir, they teach Sunday school, even some pastors, deacon’s and elder’ (GET OUT OF MY SIGHT).

These Christians attempted to remind Jesus, “but we’ve preached the gospel in your name, and we did many wonderful works in your name, we cast out demons in you’re name”… yet Jesus said to those Christians: (DEPART FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU)! Yes, Jesus actually said to them: “I never knew you, get out of my sight you workers of iniquity! WHY? You will learn why Jesus made that statement (and more) when you order my new Book: NO FAIRY-TAILS IN HEAVEN!

Once you read and understand what this site is all about… PLEASE, consider joining us at buglers4christ and be a part in warning our Christian brothers and sisters of this snare Satan has set to entangle God’s end-time Church with false teachings. This rapture lie is as deadly as a cobra bight! “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21: 35).

Eyes to See & Ears to Hear
